VAT Services

VAT is a tax that must be paid by businesses when they buy goods or services. Businesses who have an annual turnover of over £85,000 or those who have less but voluntarily register for VAT must file a quarterly VAT return at which they may need to pay or receive money from HMRC depending on if VAT was overcharged or undercharged.

VAT is complicated and submitting incorrect information could lead to your company overpaying their taxes and losing out on money. Likewise, taxes could be underpaid, which may result in HMRC investigations and ultimately fines and penalties to the company. That’s where we come in – our team consists of experts who have the knowledge to prepare and submit your information in the most efficient way and assisting in resolving disputes with HMRC.

Our services include:

  • Registration with HMRC
  • Submission of self assessment tax return
  • Providing advice about payment of tax
  • Planning tax for future
  • Reminder of any changes and payment